Our story

Our story

Hi, my name is Divya and I am the CEO, Founder and creator of SHANTI³. The word ‘Shanti’ is commonly said three times in Sanskrit and means ‘Peace of Body, Peace of Mind and Peace of Spirit’ which is exactly the philosophy I envision and embody of encouraging a calm and more balanced lifestyle. 

I was born in Hong Kong and I’ve grown up both in London and Hong Kong. As an undergraduate, I studied Russian History and then pursued many years of Law School.

This is where everything changed. 

I was offered a position as a Structured Finance Paralegal in a top US law firm in the city of London. It was a corporate dream. I was Rachel from Suits. I felt like I was Elle from Legally Blonde. What they don’t show you on TV and in the movies is how much work and the long hours it actually entails. I was working on average from 9:30am till 11:30pm every single day. It was draining and it was the work culture environment to stay late and prioritise work over everything else. 

Weeks went by, months went by. I spent all my time in this corporate office surrounded by tired, stressed out, exhausted individuals who were all in the same boat. I was racking up a number of health issues including stress, anxiety, insomnia, acid reflux, putting on weight, hair loss and irritable skin. 

When you work in an office, wearing make-up and in an air-conditioned environment - your skin feels dry and itchy throughout the day. I remember, it was the lead up to closing a stressful deal and my cortisol levels (a hormone released when you are stressed) was so high that my whole face and body broke out into a bumpy, itchy rash, which took 1-1.5 weeks to completely fade away. Luckily there was no permanent scarring!

It was at this crucial point in my life that I realised I could no longer ignore the physical and emotional signs of stress in my body. We were in the middle of a global pandemic and health was something that you could not take for granted. I had to take action.

I was searching for a solution which would lower my stress levels, heal, nourish my skin, would be suitable for all skin types and only take a couple of minutes of time in my day. What I was looking for, simply did not exist in shops or online. So, I made it my mission to find a strategy which would enable me to tackle this stress-skin problem. 

This is how the ‘Freedom Facial Oil’ was created. After studying, formulating and a year of testing I found an incredible ayurvedic ingredient which with consistent daily use, lowers your stress levels. Together with luxurious facial oils and Co-Enzyme Q10 Plus E, this formula has transformed skin, highlighted my natural glow and lowered signs of stress by using this facial oil, together with the gua sha tool.

I can’t wait for you to try it!


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